Please note:

  • This Call for Evidence is designed to be answered by people/organisations with experience and/or expertise in this policy area.
  • Answers will form the basis for a report that will be published later in the year by the APPG for Entrepreneurship.
  • The aim of the report is to inform and influence policymakers.
  • This work is sponsored by Octopus. The research and writing of this publication is independent and will be undertaken by The Entrepreneurs Network.
  • Please don't feel compelled to answer all the questions. We would much prefer a detailed answer to one part of one question, rather than brief answers to all the questions.
  • Download a PDF of the questions here.
  • The deadline for submissions is 28th February 2018. Please send though answers and any queries to

1. Incentives to Invest

a) What are the costs and benefits of existing tax incentives for entrepreneurship and investment, including but not limited to: Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs), Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS), Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS), reductions in the rate of Corporation Tax, Annual Investment Allowance (AIA), Research and Development Tax Credits, and Entrepreneurs’ Relief?

b) Is there any evidence that existing investment incentives enable aggressive tax avoidance?

c) What examples (positive or negative) are there of other governments increasing investment incentives through the tax system?

d) Do existing tax incentives for investment represent value for money or would the money be better spent elsewhere?

2. Awareness

a) What is the evidence on the current levels of awareness among business owners of business taxation/incentives?

b) Is there international and/or historical evidence of government initiatives that help improve awareness of business taxes/incentives?

3. Complexity and Process

a) What is the evidence on which tax incentives impose the greatest administrative burden upon businesses?

b) What key steps can the government take to reduce the administrative burdens on businesses looking to benefit from tax incentives?

c) Are there any international and/or historical best practice in business taxation that the UK should consider?

d) What is your experience of current policymaking around business taxation? How could it be improved?

a) Is there any further evidence that we should be aware of?

4. Additional Evidence